Wednesday, September 2, 2009


It’s easy to predict the future; the hard part is getting it right, particularly where technology is concerned. Past attempts offer examples of just how difficult it can be to predict technology, for example, in 1876, a Western Union official said, “The telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value.”

No one can accurately predict the future of technology. However, you can keep alongside each other of news and learn to recognize the available and emerging technology trends.

We would like to say thank you especially to Sir Yusri for giving us the opportunity to complete and finish this assignment. The technology that we have chosen might not be a whole story about the technology nowadays. But, certain of it include an available technology as well as emerging technology. All the group members have chosen three available technologies and one emerging technology. The available technology is teleconferencing, input and output devices, computer technology and lastly, the emerging technology is the wireless communication.

We really hope that this assignment will give the clear picture about what is the technology is all about.




  • Open source software.
  • It’s source code is available for all to see and use.
  • Linux is very good version of Unix
  • Powerful and free
  • multitasking, virtual memory, internet support and a graphical user interface
  • Linux also cannot run the Microsoft Office application

  • It is easy to use
  • suit to the major of student to ensure that their task will completely accomplish
  • continues what an operating system should do and how it should work
  • preemptive multitasking
  • designed to work efficiently in a secure computer network.

  • disadvantage of Unix operating system is it lacks of compatibility among the many different versions of Unix
  • difficult to use
  • defaults to a command line user interface

    MAC OS

  • most technologically advanced in personal computing
  • Graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Apple Inc.

  • easiest operating system for beginning computer users

  • oriented toward business needs and is specially designed to support client
  • Two components: Windows NT Workstation and Windows NT Server.

  • Windows NT Server provides the following benefits:
  • Security, Remote administration, Directory services, and Web server.


In computing, input/output, refers to the communication between an information processing system (such as a computer), and the outside world – possibly a human, or another information processing system. An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information processing system (such as a computer) to the outside world. Inputs are the signals or data received by the system, and outputs are the signals or data sent from it.

There are many types or examples of printer, so, ONLY five examples of printer that have been chosen to make comparison among them,there are:-

The criteria that will be compared among them are:-
  • The meaning.
  • Process of working.
  • Advantage.
  • Disadvantage.

Ink-jets (bubble-jets) printers are the least expensive and produce excellent colour output, which makes them popular choices for home users. Inkjet printers form an image that is composed of tiny dots.

The process of Ink-jets (bubble-jets) printers works by a drop-on-demand inkjet printing method where ink drops were ejected from the nozzle by the fast growth of an ink vapor bubble on the top surface of a small heater.

The advantage- compared to earlier consumer-oriented are first, they are quieter in operation than impact dot matrix or daisy wheel printers

The disadvantage is the ink is often very expensive.

Laser printer is a type of printer that utilizes a laser beam to produce an image on a drum. The light of the laser alters the electrical charge on the drum wherever it hits.

The process of laser printer works when a corona wire (in older printers) or a primary charge roller projects an electrostatic charge onto the photoreceptor (otherwise named the photoconductor unit), a revolving photosensitive drum or belt, which is capable of holding an electrostatic charge on its surface while it is in the dark. An AC bias is applied to the primary charge roller to remove any residual charges left by previous images.

The main advantage of laser printers is speed, precision and economy.

The disadvantages are health risk, and precautions.

The Impact (Dot-matrix) printers is a type of computer printer with a print head that runs back and forth, or in an up and down motion, on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against the paper, much like a typewriter.

The process of Impact (Dot-matrix) works- each dot is produced by a tiny metal rod, also called a "wire" or "pin", which is driven forward by the power of a tiny electromagnet or solenoid, either directly or through small levers (pawls). Facing the ribbon and the paper is a small guide plate (often made of an artificial jewel such as sapphire or ruby pierced with holes to serve as guides for the pins.

The advantage of Dot matrix printers is, like any impact printer, can print on multi-part stationery or make carbon-copies

The disadvantage is pen plotters have essentially become obsolete, and have been replaced by large-format inkjet printers and LED toner based printers.

The Dye Sublimation is a computer printer which employs a printing process that uses heat to transfer dye to a medium such as a plastic card, paper, or fabric.

The process of works- In a dye-sublimation printer the printing dye is heated up until it turns into a gas, at which point it diffuses onto the printing media and solidifies. Prior to printing, the dye is stored on a cellophane ribbon. The ribbon is made up of three colored panels (cyan, magenta, and yellow) and one clear panel which hold the lamination material for the overcoating. Each colored panel is the size of the media that is being printed on; for example, a 6" by 4" dye sub printer would have four 6" by 4" panels. During the printing cycle, the printer rollers will move the media and one of the colored panels together under a thermal printing head, which is usually the same width as the shorter dimension of the print media

The advantage of dye-sublimation printing has been the fact that it is a continuous-tone technology, where each dot can be any color

The disadvantage- each of the colored panels of the ribbons, and the thermal head itself, must match the size of the media that is being printed on

The plotter is a vector graphics printing device to print graphical plots, that connects to a computer. There are two types of main plotters.

The process of plotter works is when, Pen plotters print by moving a pen across the surface of a piece of paper. This means that plotters are restricted to line art, rather than raster graphics as with other printers. Pen plotters can draw complex line art, including text, but do so very slowly because of the mechanical movement of the pens. Pen Plotters are incapable of creating a solid region of color; but can hatch an area by drawing a number of close, regular lines.

The advantage- -Plotters are used primarily in technical drawing and CAD applications, where they have the advantage of working on very large paper sizes while maintaining high resolution.

The disadvantage is Impact printers are usually noisy, to the extent that sound dampening enclosures are available for use in quiet environments.


Teleconferencing can be described as interactive group communication between two or more people between two or more location through an electronic medium. In general terms, teleconferencing can bring people together under one roof even though they are separated by hundreds of miles.


Audio Teleconference:
locationVoice-only; sometimes called conference calling. Interactively links people in remotes via telephone lines. The audio bridges tie all lines together. Meetings can be conducted via audio conference.

Audiographics Teleconference: Uses narrowband telecommunications channels to transmit visual information such as graphics, alpha-numerics, documents, and video pictures as an adjunct to voice communication.

Computer Teleconference: Uses telephone lines to connect two or more computers and modems. Anything that can be done on a computer can be sent over the lines. It can be synchronous or asynchronous

Video Teleconference: Combines audio and video to provide voice communications and video images. Can be one-way video/two-way audio, or two-way video/two-way audio. It can display anything that can be captured by a TV camera. The advantage is the capability to display moving images.

Web conferencing: as compared with four examples provided at the top, web conferencing is the best type of teleconference and there are many reasons for that. Unlike regular phone line conferencing, web conference brings a whole lot more dimensions to the mix. Instead of just being able to hear audio, participants and presenters of a web teleconference are able to interact with each other, see each other, as well as make adjustments to the projects they are working on. The main reason is because of the video feed that is available. Even though typical messaging systems like MSN or Yahoo are great programs for collaborating with each other on projects, these programs usually have several components missing that are available with web conferencing programs. Another advantage by using this type of conferencing, participants are able to make adjustment and work on the same project together. Besides that, screen sharing is provided and enables one person who is responsible for making modifications to the project while the other participants are able to view of the one person since they can look at the screen of the moderator.


  • It is its potential to reduce the cost of group meetings.
  • Teleconferencing reaches large or sparsely-populated areas.
  • Teleconferencing provides broader access to public meetings, as well as widening the reach of public involvement.
  • Audio interaction makes dialogue more lively, personal and interesting. Teleconferencing provides an immediate response to concerns or issues.
  • Teleconferencing saves an agency time and travel costs.
  • Saves people’s money by saving the costs of travel, transportation costs and lost work time.
  • It can save time by reaching more people with fewer meeting.


  • Teleconferences are somewhat formal events that need prior planning for maximum usefulness
  • A large number of people is difficult to manage in a single teleconference, with individuals attempting to interact and present their points of view.
  • Costs can be high.
  • Teleconference take time to organize.
  • Reduces opportunities for face-to-face contact between participants and proponents of plans or projects.


Firstly is, teleconferencing costs vary, depending on the application. The costs of installing a two-way telephone network are diffident.

Secondly is, higher costs are associated with higher performance levels of equipment, more transmission facilities, or more locations

it is also possible to share teleconferencing costs among organizations.


The discussion focuses around fleshing out and sharing ideas so that practitioners in different locations can learn from the experiences of others around the world. It is also does helps increase the number of participants. People may be unwilling to travel to a meeting because of weather conditions, poor highway or transit access, neighborhood safety concerns, or other problems. Teleconferencing offers equal opportunity for people to participate, thus allowing more points of view to emerge, revealing areas of disagreement, and enabling people to exchange views and ask questions freely. The significant use of teleconferencing is used for training. It opens up training hours and availability of courses for people unable to take specialized classes because of time constraints and travel costs. Lastly, teleconferencing is used for networking among transportation professionals on public involvement and other topics. For example, North Carolina State University sponsored a national teleconference on technologies for transportation describing applications of three- and four-dimensional computer graphics technologies. They have been found helpful in facilitating public involvement and environmental analysis.


Wireless operations permits services, such as long range communications, that are impossible or impractical to implement with the use of wires. The term is commonly used in the telecommunications industry to refer to telecommunications systems (e.g. radio transmitters and receivers, remote controls, computer networks, network terminals, etc.) which use some form of energy


        • INFRARED

        • BLUE TOOTH

        • RADIO

        • MICROWAVE

        • SATELLITES
INFRARED is a wireless transmission medium that carries data via beams of light through the air. No wires are required, but the transmitting and receiving devices must be in line of sight or the signal is lost.

BLUE TOOTH is a short range radio transmission technology that has become very popular in recent years. Bluetooth enable devices identify each other using identification numbers that are unique to each device. When these devices are within 30 feet of each other, they automatically find and link to one another

MICROWAVES are high frequency, electromagnet radio waves with very short frequencies that are used to transmit data. Using relay stations similar to satellite dishes, microwave signals are sent from one relay station to the next because microwave must travel in a straight line with no obstructions

SATELLITES are positioned in geosynchronous orbit which matches the speed of the Earth rotation and therefore are permanently positioned with respect to the ground. Satellites transmit data by sending and receiving microwave signals to and from Earth based stations


Based on the observation, most of the technology has been exposed to the bad environment and many people try to manipulate the technology for the self interest. Clearly that Islam forbids all the wrong doings, such as surfing the internet and open the pornography web site. Recently, many of the computer crime and cybercrime happen around us without we realize the consequences to the future. Computer virus is a major problem because it can cause to the damage to your computer. Other than that, computer fraud and theft makes off with sensitive personal information of other computer users. Moreover, people also have become the victim of the fake operating systems that now has been spreading all over the world. Not merely on the operating systems, but also the unlicensed software. Islam does not encourage its ummah to manipulate all the knowledge to harm other people for own sake.

So we hope that all the moral values will give the awareness to the computer users to keep in following the rules and regulation or the computer ethics for now and forever.
