Wednesday, September 2, 2009


It’s easy to predict the future; the hard part is getting it right, particularly where technology is concerned. Past attempts offer examples of just how difficult it can be to predict technology, for example, in 1876, a Western Union official said, “The telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value.”

No one can accurately predict the future of technology. However, you can keep alongside each other of news and learn to recognize the available and emerging technology trends.

We would like to say thank you especially to Sir Yusri for giving us the opportunity to complete and finish this assignment. The technology that we have chosen might not be a whole story about the technology nowadays. But, certain of it include an available technology as well as emerging technology. All the group members have chosen three available technologies and one emerging technology. The available technology is teleconferencing, input and output devices, computer technology and lastly, the emerging technology is the wireless communication.

We really hope that this assignment will give the clear picture about what is the technology is all about.

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